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Tentang PARI

PARI (Pasar Rakyat Indonesia) adalah platform aplikasi digital marketplace komoditas pangan yang saat ini telah membantu lebih dari 18.000 petani, peternak, dan petambak menjual hasil produksi tani, ternak, maupun tangkapan laut kepada lebih dari 50.000 pembeli komoditas pangan di seluruh Indonesia. Bersama dengan Bank BRI dan Bank Raya, kami memiliki misi membantu menaikkan kesejahteraan para pengusaha mikro untuk tetap tumbuh dan berkembang. Mari, maju bersama PARI!

Unduh Sekarang

55,000 +


33,000 +




450,000 +


Rp 12.38 Triliun +

Dana Talangan


PARI Championing MSME capabilities amidst crisis

Championing MSME capabilities amidst crisis

September 2022

Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) believes that empowering MSMEs means safeguarding the country's economic sustainability. As the largest microfinance institution in the region, BRI aims to maintain and improve its position as the leader in microfinance banking through empowerment and digitalisation efforts. One of which is by creating a hyperlocal ecosystem: ensuring that BRI is at every step of the business process for Indonesia's local commodities. Most of the nation's commodity ecosystems have problems with their cashflow liquidity due to delayed payments and inefficient business processes, as well as manual transaction records that make them prone to logging errors and unbalanced reconciliation. In addition, successors or the younger generations are starting to take over the lead in the commodity businesses from their parents or older generations. Thus, increasing the need for digital solutions to help them improve their business.


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